APA Division 50 Programming Update
Megan Kirouac & Linda Rinehart
SoAP (Division 50) Co-Chairs
2021 APA Convention
Hello fellow SoAP Members,
That’s right, the APA 2021 Convention has gone virtual! Last year saw the first fully-virtual APA Convention and it was a success. While it is disappointing not to be able to see familiar faces or connect with new Division 50 members in-person, we are hopeful that the virtual format will mirror what we saw in 2020: an increase in attendance of the convention and overall positive reviews of the convention and its virtual format.
This year’s virtual programming includes divisional and collaborative symposia, posters, and skill-building sessions that are moving towards these principles. We will be elevating SoAP’s 2021 theme, “Context matters: The who, what, where, and when of addictive behaviors,” and highlighting APA and Division 50 priorities, including early career and student contributions, diversity and inclusion, and collaboration across divisions.
With the fully virtual format of APA 2021’s Convention, our content will be more accessible than ever. The registration fees have been reduced from in-person rates dramatically ($120 for members (originally $315), $35 for student members (originally $100)). All APA programming may be viewed on-demand for a year, meaning even more exposure for the important work you all have been conducting. Convention program content will begin streaming at 12pm ET on Thursday, August 12. We will be in touch through the listserv and on the SoAP website to provide links to up-to-date convention information and material. See https://convention.apa.org/ for updates.
So, what’s in store at the APA 2021 Virtual Convention?
See your colleagues and support students and early career folx at our Big Live Event!
The Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hours will be hosted live on Zoom by Dr. Bettina Hoeppner (sponsored through her R13 from NIDA and NIAAA). It will feature a welcome from Division 28 and 50 presidents, acknowledgment of our division’s award winners, poster presentations, and live presenter/audience Q&A. Mark your calendars and join us on Friday, August 13th from 4-6pm ET!
View on-demand Division 50 symposia and posters, including:
Harm reduction for substance use in practice: Implementation among marginalized populations
Substance-free reinforcers reduce alcohol and drug use: Findings across the translational spectrum
Addressing the syndemic effects of COVID-19 and illicit drug use among people who use drugs
Research addressing health disparities among justice involved populations
Clinical and cultural considerations when working with Koreans and addictive behaviors
Application of an intersectionality framework and attachment theory to maternal substance use
COVID-19 in the context of addiction treatment: The impact of regulatory and funding flexibilities
Cross-cutting Collaborative and Co-Listed Symposia for the main APA program:
Translating cues to practice: Interdisciplinary research on cues and health behavior
Attachments in turmoil: Relationships, substance use & parenting through COVID and beyond
We hope to see you virtually in August! Until then, we wish you and your communities strength, healing, and wellness.
Resources are available for those struggling with addiction and numerous effective treatments exist. Whether you are looking for help for yourself or a loved one, we encourage you to seek out help.