The Addiction Psychologist Podcast
Dr. Noah Emery and Samuel Acuff interview researchers, clinicians, and policymakers in the field of addiction psychology with the hopes of enhancing recovery. New episodes the second Monday of every month, with some added content in between. The podcast can also be accessed through Apple podcasts and Spotify. Official podcast of the Society for Addiction Psychology. Transcripts of each episode can be found by clicking here.
posted: Monday, September 9, 2024 - 06:30
Substance use often initiates in adolescence, and an earlier age of first use is associated with a higher likelihood of lifetime problems. But, do risky behaviors carry the same risks for everybody? Dr. Tammy Chung discusses social determinants of health and racial health disparities in young people and highlights how factors in our society create disparities, resulting in more risk from substance use and other health behaviors for people in some groups than others. Dr. Tammy Chung is the Director of the Center for Population Behavioral Health and a Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers University. Find out more about her work here.
posted: Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 07:31
Alcohol impairs motor activity and cognitive functioning that is critical for effective and safe driving, increasing risk of accident. In fact, approximately 1/3 of all traffic fatalities are alcohol-related. Why do some people drive after drinking despite these risks? Dr. Denis McCarthy discusses the history of impaired driving and policy, theories of impaired driving-related decision making, and pathways to prevention, intervention, and treatment. Dr. McCarthy also discusses cannabis-impaired driving and important distinctions between cannabis and alcohol. Dr. Denis McCarthy is the Middlebush Professor of Psychology at the University of Missouri. Learn more about his work here.
posted: Monday, July 15, 2024 - 07:58
People attempting recovery face formidable challenges to successful sustained remission. Return to use depends upon the individual's access to recovery capital, or the collection of resources available that can bolster or improve recovery. In this episode, Dr. Emily Hennessy discusses the science of recovery capital and how improving recovery capital can enhance recovery and save lives. Dr. Emily Hennessy is the Associate Director of Biostatistics at the Recovery Research Institute and an Associate Director at the National Center on Youth Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery at Massachusetts General Hospital, as well as an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School.
posted: Monday, May 13, 2024 - 06:58
People range in their readiness to make changes to different behaviors. Processes occurring naturally in each stage differ across the spectrum of readiness to for behavior change. In this episode, we talk with Dr. Carlo DiClemente about the origins and development of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change. This model has become a standard and common language for a generation of behavior change specialists working with people experiencing addiction, in addition to many other health-related behavior changes. Dr. DiClemente is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology the the University of Maryland Baltimore County and a former President of the the Society of Addiction Psychology.
posted: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 - 18:58
People attempting recovery from addiction are best served when recovery can be achieved through multiple, diverse, pathways that fit their needs and recovery goals. Although the most commonly used recovery support service is Alcoholics Anonymous (or a similar Anonymous affiliated group), some object to core tenets or cultural elements and may benefit from alternative options. SMART Recovery is one example of an alternative mutual help group that was created to meet the needs of those who may benefit from a different pathway to recovery. In this episode, Dr. Horvath discusses the history, core tenets, structure, and evidence base for SMART Recovery. Dr. Horvath is a licensed clinical psychologist and President of Practical Recovery. Dr. Horvath was a founding board member and served as the president of SMART Recovery for 20 years. He has facilitated approximately 1000 SMART meetings and has supported San Diego to become the locality with the greatest concentration of SMART meetings at approximately 40. Dr. Horvath is also a past president of Div 50 (1999-2000).