Students are encouraged to join the Society of Addiction Psychology
(note that APA membership is not required):
- Join for $12.50 without the journal (Psychology of Addictive Behaviors) subscription or $29 with the journal (Psychology of Addictive Behaviors) at
Division 50 is an active and diverse group of practitioners and researchers brought together by a common interest in promoting excellence in treatment, prevention, research, and professional training across the broad range of addictive behaviors. We have an active student group. Our Student Representatives are Bonnie Rowland ( and Katherine Berry (
As a Student Affiliate of Division 50, you will receive The Addiction Newsletter (TAN) three times a year. TAN includes the latest news in addiction research and practice, and provides information about the work and accomplishments of Division members, committees, and officers.
Another resource offered to members of Division 50 are our listservs. All new members of the division are automatically added to our announcement listserv, which we use to send out TAN and other division news. We also have a discussion listserv that you can sign up for if you’d like. It’s a good way learn about topics of interest to the division membership, and also to call on information or help from other members you need it, and to see job openings.
Finally, another benefit of membership is subscription to the highly respected APA journal Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, published in March, June, September, and December. When you join, you may choose to get the journal or not. You can join for $10 without the journal or sign up with the journal included for only $20, a significant reduction over the regular student rate of $62.
In addition to these membership benefits, Division 50 has several active committees in which you could have the opportunity to participate. For those who have a specialized interest or expertise in Education and Training, Addiction Related Science, Advocacy and Public Policy, or Empirically Based Addiction Treatments, we would welcome your participation in these specialized initiatives.
We hope that you join Division 50 and contribute your expertise and talents to division activities. In return, we will work to help you benefit from the expertise, organization, and strength that the division can bring to your own scientific and professional goals. We have a sincere interest in promoting diversity and early career scientists. We regularly appoint students and early career members to co-chair committees and assist elected and appointed Division Officers.
If you have any questions, please contact Sonja Wiggins at or 202-336-5590. You can also contact the SoAP Membership Chair, Dr. Noah Emery at