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SoAP Box Sound Bites: What should be the top priority of Division 50 in the coming year?

SoAP Box: 
SoAP Box Sound Bites

Summer 2020

What should be the top priority of Division 50 in the coming year?

Angelo DiBello, PhD
CUNY Brooklyn College

A major priority for Division 50 within the next year should be a renewed focus on expanding the representation of diverse communities in our research. Furthermore, individuals working in the prevention and intervention space should aim to improve the inclusion of underrepresented diverse groups in their samples to understand for whom certain approaches may be more or less effective.



Ashley Lowery, MS
University of North Texas Health Science Center

I feel that there is a need to prioritize the utilization of social media and digital forums as tools to stay abreast of trends in addictive behaviors, as well as socio-cultural events that correlate with the onset and maintenance of addictive behaviors.



Lindsey Rodriguez, PhD
University of South Florida St. Petersburg

In the upcoming year, as a division of the American Psychological Association, I believe it is time for us to be leaders at the forefront of addressing issues related to diversity and health disparities. Substance abuse disproportionately affects and carries disproportionately more consequences for racial/ethnic minorities. Prioritizing avenues of prevention and treatment related to substance use among these vulnerable or socially disadvantaged populations can help them live longer, healthier, less stressful lives.

For the next issue, please respond to the following prompt in 50 words or less “What advice would you share with someone just starting out in the addiction psychology field?” Please send submissions to by October 1, 2020.

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