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Dr. Tyler Wray - Just-in-time Interventions

Podcast Date: 
Monday, July 13, 2020 - 09:36

Although in-person treatment is beneficial, many clients need to use skills in moments (e.g., under conditions of emotional distress or craving) that can make effective skill utilization difficult. Dr. Tyler Wray talks about harnessing technology for just-in-time interventions to help "nudge" clients people towards effective behavior change. Importantly during the COVID-19 era, Tyler discusses remote enrollment and data collection related to these studies, which helps his team gain access to vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations. Dr. Tyler Wray is the Edens Family Chair in Healthcare Communications & Technology at the Brown University School of Public Health and leads the School's academic programs in digital health and behavior. His research explores various ways technology can be used to help people make healthier decisions  and lead healthier lifestyles.

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