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CPA Travel Awards


These awards are given to students and early career psychologists to help defray travel costs to attend the Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Annual Meeting.


Joshua Gray, Anthony J. O’Sickey, Theresa McKim, Dustin Lee, Brian Kiluk (2015)

Guadalupe Bacio, Jennifer Benson, Jon Houck, Kayleigh McCarty, Jennifer Merrill (2016)

Tessa Frohe, Laura Hatz, Mary Beth Miller, and Mentor-Mentee award: Monica Skewes and Julia Gameon (2017)

Brandon Bergman, Abigail Braitman, David Eddie, Hayley Treloar Padovano (2018)

Samuel Acuff, Daniel Delaney, Christian Garcia, Rachel Gunn, Angela Haeny, Michelle Haikalis, Lidia Meshesha, Angela Stevens, Alexander Sokolovsky (2019)

Mariel Bello, Lizabeth Benson, Nicolas Bush, Julie Cristello, Scott King, Alexa L'Insalata, Samuel Meisel, Marilyn Piccirillo, Shaddy Saba, Kathryne Van Hedger (2023)

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